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Advantages of Hot Desking

Hot desking was already becoming increasingly popular pre covid-19 among startups, freelancers, and entrepreneurs as it allows them to save money on rent and also provides more flexibility in terms of working hours and locations.  Post Covid-19 Hot Desking is finding favour in the more traditional corporate world as well.

Hot Desking

Hot desking has many advantages over traditional office spaces. It allows for more collaboration between teams as they can easily interact with each other without having to move from their desks. It also helps reduce the amount of office space needed, resulting in significant cost savings for companies. In a post covid-19 world where working for a portion of your week has become the accepted norm for many workers, hot desking in the office when a presence is required makes more sense than have expensive office space sitting empty for a large part of the working week. Additionally, hot desking encourages employees to be more productive as they are surrounded by colleagues who are doing the same task as them which creates a sense of competition and motivation.

What is Hot Desking?

Hot desking refers to the practice of multiple workers sharing the same workspace at different times. Hot desking provides flexibility and cost savings to businesses by allowing them to use the same space for multiple people without having to invest in additional office space or furniture.

Hot desking is especially beneficial for coworking spaces, as it allows them to offer their members access to a wide variety of workspaces without having to purchase additional furniture or equipment. It also allows members of these spaces to collaborate with each other more easily, as they can move from desk-to-desk with ease. Hot desking also provides an opportunity for businesses to save money on rent and utilities by not having to commit long-term leases on office space.

There is a growing trend for corporations to rent one or more desks at a coworking facility such as @workspaces, which can be used by employees as needed.  This makes an attractive incentive for recruitment as employees can be offered a percentage of time working from home and the balance at a nearby coworking space alongside other employees.  With the difficulty of recruiting at the present time, low cost incentives like this can make the difference in a successful recruitment campaign. 

Hot Desking is not suitable for everyone.  Some staff still need the privacy of a dedicated office and some roles require less distractions than may be present in a hot desk environment.  But more and more companies are finding that hot desking does play an important role in the mix of office space requirements.


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