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How to ensure enthusiastic hires stay excited

Remember your bright-eyed and bushy-tailed new hire’s first weeks on the job? 

They were eager to accomplish tasks and looking forward to clocking in, which is the kind of positive attitude that gets important work done.

It's one thing to hire someone and notice that they're excited–it's another thing to have them consistently enthusiastic about work. While it's not possible to have someone motivated 100% of the time (that may just lead to burnout), it doesn't hurt to give them a reason to look forward to a work day rather than to dread it. 

enthusiastic employees

Much of it has to do with the culture you’re creating in the workplace. Employees thrive when leaders engage them, and actively find ways to help them develop themselves. A few ways that administrators can keep team members involved are to:

  • Give positive feedback
  • Develop pathways for improvement
  • Include staff members in growing the business
  • Provide flexible working arrangements, and to
  • Maintain a positive company culture.

The goal of these tactics is to ensure that employees are satisfied and happy with their jobs. These are relatively simple and actionable because it’s also important to look at strategies on how to nurture enthusiasm in the workplace without resorting to anything drastic.  

If a business owner has built a solid foundation of everyday steps for a healthy and happy workplace, then it will be easy to incorporate the tips we’re going to share in this article.

5 ways to keep your staff motivated and engaged

You need to have a comprehensive plan for keeping your team involved because an impending resignation follows the moment a staff member is disengaged from the team. 

We’ve shortlisted five strategies that you can implement in your staff retention program, this will ensure that your staff continues to grow alongside you and your business.

  1. Encourage teamwork and collaboration in the workplace

No matter the size of your company, teamwork and collaboration boosts employee enthusiasm and morale. It’s easier to work towards a common goal when your team is on good terms with each other.

Establishing a collaborative culture in the workplace can help your staff feel a sense of belonging and purpose within the organisation. It allows your staff to connect with each other while working on tasks and encourages them to work towards common goals.

Teamwork and a collaborative work culture also support the following:

  • Increased trust: Employees build trust in each other and with their leaders more because they can count on open and transparent communication;
  • More task ownership: Team members are involved in the organisation’s shared vision, so when they accomplish tasks to this end, they have a sense of achievement;
  • Organisational development: A common understanding of roles leverages different skills within the team while also fostering shared responsibility and accountability; and,
  • Generation of new viewpoints and ideas: A team of diverse individuals that feels supported in thinking outside the box will produce creative solutions.
  1. Support your employees in their personal and professional success

Your staff members have skills they bring to the table when they first join the team but relying on these capabilities without offering opportunities for them to improve might give them the impression that their place in the organisation is a dead end with no chances for growth.

When employers and the senior management team exert effort into upskilling employees and junior staff, that can increase the staff’s enthusiasm and excitement about their work. 

Giving employees the tools they need to hone their skills and specialisations can allow them to grow in their careers while ensuring that their talent contributes to your company’s success.

Across many industries, there are positive workplace habits that you can incorporate into your organisation to help employees succeed:

  • Recognise great work: Being generous and specific about what staff members did well motivates them to perform just as well, or even better, in the future.
  • Provide genuine help: Staff members may be unfamiliar with being followed up after asking for help, but checking in ensures that their questions are answered and that you’ve met their expectations.
  • Forgive quickly: When employees make mistakes and apologise, let it go and move on, treating their errors how you would want yours to be handled.
  1. Schedule regular check-ins with each employee

Setting regular check-ins with your employees can be incredibly beneficial for your company, especially if you have a hybrid or flexible work environment in the organisation. 

Check-ins can help your employees feel comfortable with sharing updates with you, both their achievements and their struggles at work. This can help you build connections with them, and allow you to encourage them individually in their work. They’re able to see leaders as invested in their welfare as much as their performance, which can boost their morale and productivity.

When staff members feel connected to you, they feel more included in your organisation and keeps them from feeling isolated, shut out or ignored. 

These interactions need to be meaningful engagements and not just cursory chats; it’s easy to ask employees “How is everything?” but this may not be as effective as “What was your favourite part of the week?” The aim is to foster purposeful dialogue, so you’re able to identify areas they’re struggling with, and turn these challenges into opportunities to develop.

Aside from regular one-on-one check-ins, your organisation can create a more inclusive environment by setting up dedicated opportunities for team members to forge relationships and build camaraderie. These socialisation opportunities can include employee resource groups, networking events or other occasions during work hours.

  1. Prioritise health and wellness in the workplace

It’s crucial that you’re mindful of health and wellness as an organisation–even the most energetic staff member needs to feel that you value their well-being and not just their output. 

Health and wellness are rising trends in the workplace, and it’s important to implement programs that can help your staff feel supported and cared for to ensure that they protect their well-being. When employees are physically and mentally healthy, they’re more likely to be upbeat and motivated, boosting the overall morale of the team.

Including health and wellness in the workplace can take many forms, but the outcome is the same: employees with a better quality of life and are more likely to actively contribute at work.

  1. Give your employees flexibility over their work schedules

Allowing your employees to develop their own schedules will enable them to work when they’re most productive while ensuring that their personal responsibilities and commitments are taken care of. This can make employees feel more excited about going to work since they won’t be chained to a cubicle desk for a number of hours. 

Employees under flexible work arrangements feel more control over their workday, which reduces stress and exhaustion, while also increasing concentration during working hours.

Using a coworking space can allow employers to cost-effectively implement a hybrid or flexible work arrangement for their employees. This can help their business reduce overhead costs while ensuring that the staff still has a workplace to go to if they need it.

Enthusiastic employees can stay engaged when you involve them in the organisation, have opportunities to work together and feel they can grow with your team, so it’s important that leaders are mindful of this and include strategies that encourage staff to stay motivated. 

The right workplace can change the overall atmosphere of your organisation. Book a tour with us and we’ll find one that suits your needs.



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