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Teamwork makes the dream work

How to get staff buy-in as you achieve business goals

As a business owner, coming into the office to see your team just as enthusiastic as you are sounds like the dream. This is every business leader’s ideal situation, seeing your staff excited about their tasks and the future of your business, collaborating with one another and sending you updates with a keenness that drives your business forward. 


Is this the feeling you get when you walk into a work room? It’s not unreasonable for your staff to just work for the pay, everyone wants to put food on the table, but offering higher pay packages alone isn't enough to really get your team to care about your business and invigorate them to do their absolute best.

Having a team that’s united and invested in achieving your business goals is important, especially for sustained growth. It’s called staff buy-in and it helps ensure you’re all on the same wavelength and working in the same direction. With staff buy-in, your employees recognise something worthwhile in the pursuit of success and they’ll support you with quality work and enthusiasm. 

Before you get staff buy-in, it’s important to establish a positive workplace so that your staff are happy, healthy and productive. Happy staff are a critical ingredient in your business growth strategy to boost overall morale and productivity. When well-being is covered, then you are in the perfect position to achieve staff buy-in.

While it’s not necessary for your employees to agree with the business decisions you make, they’re more likely to be productive and invested in your vision if they understand and accept the changes you want to make.

Buy-in isn’t necessarily about getting an agreement but rather, it’s about getting the full support of your staff. If they can see the direction and understand your purpose they will continue to work to the best of their abilities as changes are introduced.

5 ways to get staff buy-in in your organisation

Rather than just carrying out their tasks by doing the bare minimum, enthusiastic staff are ready to face any challenge that comes their way and look for ways to help you grow the business and genuinely want your business to thrive. Here are five ways you can achieve that. 

  1. Prepare for different stages of business growth

It’s important that you understand that there are different stages of business growth. No matter what stage you are in at the moment, you and your team aren’t going to stay there forever. In order to meet industry and local business changes and see growth, you and your team need to be flexible to adapt as you go along your business journey. Being aware of that need makes a big difference to how well it is accepted when the time comes. By learning to identify key indicators needed to transition from one stage to another, you can prepare yourself and your team to take on different tasks.

These are the five key stages of growth:

  1. Existence - Your business is registered and ready to go
  2. Survival -  You’re trying to expand your customer base
  3. Success - You’re profiting and thriving, no longer just surviving
  4. Take-off - Where you “take off” or skyrocket in sales and profit
  5. Resource maturity - When you’re comfortable enough to take big risks and not have to worry about too many mistakes

With each stage comes different adjustments, some of which may not be easy when compared to the previous stage, but the rewards of taking the next step up are worth it. Discussing the payoff of reaching the next level can help motivate staff and keep them engaged.

  1. Discuss the vision and purpose behind upcoming changes

Your business goals and how you reach each level should also be in alignment with your vision and overall purpose. When you’re able to clearly communicate each of these things and include your team in the planning process you’ll set everyone off on the right path with a common goal to maximise your chances of success. 

Be prepared to go into detail. A broad brushstroke plan is a great start to give everyone an idea of what you want but you need to tackle the finer details to bring it to action and make sure everyone has a contributing role. Discuss the ins and outs of your strategy, why you’re choosing to do things a certain way and make sure you tackle the parts that aren’t as exciting. 

A clear and inclusive explanation of your plans and the purpose behind the changes you want to implement can alleviate any concerns or fears your staff may have about the business moving forward. If they’re in the dark with no real idea of what’s happening your staff can feel demoralised and anxious. 

  1. Address resistance and resolve staff concerns immediately

When implementing changes and new tasks and procedures, take your individual team member's feelings into consideration. If they express resistance to the changes, don’t brush it off, their feelings and concerns are valid.  

Emphasise that you’re there for them, that you’re listening to their concerns and that they’re valued members of the organisation. Brainstorm ways you can find solutions together and give them an active role so they feel like they are part of a united front and have a secure place in your company. 

There are three ways you can manage resistance to change:

  • Identify the cause of your staff’s resistance
  • Include your senior executives in addressing these issues
  • Clearly communicate the changes you want to make
  1. Show how your plan benefits everyone on the team

Your staff will be on board with your vision if they see how they benefit from it. It’s one thing to see how the business will thrive, it’s another to see their personal gains.

To help override feelings of doubt and uncertainty, make sure you do more than just explain the vision–tell them what they’ll get in return. Your staff members want the best outcomes for their careers, which they might feel are in jeopardy in the face of drastic changes. 

When your staff see the value of your plan in their personal and professional growth, they’re more likely to be invested in executing your vision and helping you achieve your business goals. 

  1. Keep an open line of communication

You need to maintain an open line of communication that flows in both directions as changes are rolled out. Doing this will give you a clear idea of how your employees are handling the workload and allow you to improve processes and boost team morale.  

Being open to receiving feedback (as well as giving it), will ensure that they’re comfortable with what you need to tell them and that you’re all ears when it comes to their concerns. When an open communication channel is evident, your team members will feel more confident about opening up, discussing ideas and voicing concerns.

A team that’s transparent with one another and trusts each other is more inclined to work towards the same goal.

Here are some ways you can encourage open communication within your organisation:

  • Ask for your staff’s feedback and listen actively to their input
  • Engage your employees on a personal level
  • Recognise your employees and their efforts

When you attain staff buy-in, you prime your business for success. The more your staff believes in you and your vision, the more likely they are to give their all, push themselves to do their best and bring their A-game every single day.

A team that buys into your business is a team that wants to help you achieve your goals.

Having a space that can foster openness and productivity within your team is crucial. Coworking spaces are a perfect avenue for achieving staff buy-in because of their innovative layouts that naturally drive employees towards collaboration. Because coworking spaces are so open and inviting, they create the atmosphere of warmth that you want to establish for your team. 

At @worskpaces, we provide the perfect environment for your staff. Book a tour with us today and find out why.


When you are ready to take the next step there are three things you can do by either email or calling us on
1300 818 128.

  • Get a quote
  • Book a tour of one of our business centres
  • Contact us with any questions you may have

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